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Thursday, September 6, 2007

An In Depth Look At The Ever Popular BMX Bikes

Sales of BMX bikes are increasing faster than almost any other type of bicycle. BMX bikes can be seen on every street, sidewalk and even in their natural habitat, off-road. Even if you never leave your house you've certainly seen such bikes on TV. Sure, you probably know what a BMX bike is, but what you probably don't know is what exactly differentiates a BMX bike from other bikes. We'll tell you how they're different.

We'll start with their origin. It's quite simple, really. Bikes remained pretty much the same for many decades after they were invented, but the popularity of off-road motorcycle racing, or motocross, during the 60's changed that. Kids saw the pros racing around on their dirt bikes and taking them off dirt ramps. They wanted to be like their heroes so kids imitated them on their bikes, which, at the time, weren't made for such rough-housing. It didn't take long for bike manufacturers to catch on and start manufacturing bikes made specifically for the rigors of racing and jumping off-road. Soon there were sanctioned bicycle motocross (BMX) all over the country. The BMX segment of the market grew and grew and continues to expand today. And of course most the kids (and adults) you see on these bikes don't ever race and probably don't jump them off anything more daring than a curb. Still though, BMX bikes are made to take a beating.

Now, to discuss the physical attributes of the BMX bike which makes it different from other bikes. The particular features can be narrowed down to the frame, the wheels/tires, the brakes, and the gears.

The frame on BMX bikes is designed to be very light so it can be easily maneuvered and very strong so it can withstand the stresses of jumping and racing. The light weight of a BMX frame is also important because a lighter bike can save you valuable seconds in a close-fought BMX race. Aluminum and chrome-moly steel are the two materials most favored by BMX'ers. Regular bikes are usually made from cheap grades of steel prone to rusting or even breaking when put under a lot of stress.

Another distinguishing feature of BMX bikes are their wheels and tires. Most BMX bikes have 20" rims, of course they can also be purchased in other sizes. There is the 12" size for young children just learning to ride. These days kids are learning to ride bikes before they learn to read! The next size up is the 16" wheel. These bikes are mostly used by kids from the ages of 8 to 12. Once they enter the teen years, most kids ride the 20" bikes. This is the size favored by many adults and pros, as well. There are BMX bikes with even larger wheels or in-between sizes but they aren't as popular.

The tires on BMX bikes are different from conventional road bikes. They're knobby to give them excellent traction on dirt trails and tracks. In fact, they're very similar to mountain bike tires, just smaller.

Speaking of mountain bikes, such rides often have as many as 21 gears! Road bikes and beach cruisers typically don't have that many but they do range from 3 to 18 speeds. BMX bikes, on the other hand, have just one gear. They have one sprocket up front and one on the back wheel. That's it, they use just one gear because they're made for all-out sprints and to have precise control for freestyle tricks.

Another feature which differentiates BMX bikes from conventional bikes are their brakes. BMX bikes often have just a rear brake. Having a front brake increases the likelihood of accidentally using just the front one and causing an accident. Plus, racers don't need the extra braking power because they don't want to slow down! A BMX bike made for doing tricks will have a front brake, though.

BMX bikes also usually come with pads to protect the rider during accidents and wrecks, which can happen a lot during races. Most racers don't bother with pads, though, they're too cool for that. If the bike does have pads, they're usually on the top bar, handlebar clamp, and the handlebar crossbar.

BMX bikes are a booming business, and their popularity has increased across almost all segments of the market. You can often see BMX riders on televised competitions and commercials. BMX bikes are being ridden by all sorts of people, from professional riders to five year olds just having fun, adults who never grew out of them, and everyone in between.

BMX bikes are available in a range of sizes to accommodate all types of riders and all ages. They also have many specialized features to suit a variety of uses. There are, of course, a wide range in prices, too. If you are considering buying a bike for yourself or someone else, your best source of information are the people at your local bike shop. There's also tons of reliable information online. The two main issues you need to consider are how the bike is going to be used and how much you are willing to spend. From there it's up to you.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as cycling gear at http://www.bicyclepartsandclothing.com.

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Reading the Bible

A friend of mine had asked my thoughts on how one should go about reading the Bible. I would first read the New Testament in its entirety in order to keep in the "flow" of it. After that - I would then start with the Old Testament - starting from the very beginning. Its long. I dont know how much you can read at a time.

But there are a lot of good things back in the Old Testament. I feel the New Testament is a revelation of who Jesus Christ is and the Old Testament is a revelation of who God the Father is. That is why Christians need to read both books in order to get a handle on who both God and Jesus really are.

The Old Testament will really give you a lot of knowledge about God the Father, His ways and how He operates. A lot of the "battle verses" - on how God will fight battles for you - are all back in the Old Testament.

The Old Testament will give you major insight into Gods personality - what He is really like and how He has reacted to a wide range of situations involving His chosen people the Jews. After you read the Old Testament in its entirety - especially if you read it without breaking off into something else so as to keep the "flow" going - you will really get an understanding about who God the Father is and get a grip on what He is really like.

This is how you really get to know God the Father - by learning from what He has done in the past! And this is exactly what the Old Testament gives to you.

There is not another book on this planet that will give you revelation, insight and knowledge about who God the Father is like the Old Testament will! It is the only book that we have that will give you exact quotes from God the Father. These quotes are direct words from God the Father. From these quotes - you get insight and knowledge into what His personality is really like. Its obviously the same with Jesus in the New Testament. When you read all of the things Jesus has personally said to all those around Him - you will really get to know Him. Same way with God the Father in the Old Testament.

If you can get both books under your belt - you will have instilled the Bible basics underneath you. It will give you a base, a platform in which God can continue to build your knowledge about Himself, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You will also always continue to learn more about the Three of Them in your own personal journey with Them.

Its like a one-two punch:

1 - Knowledge about God you get from reading the Bible. 2 - Knowledge about God that you get from what you learn in your own personal adventures and journey with Him.

But the book is long and most Christians wont take the time to read through all of it. They will read just bits and pieces of it at a time. That is better than nothing at all - but you only get "partial" revelation about who God the Father is when you only feed off of it in small chunks at a time.

Each book has its own "flow" to it. That is why I would recommend staying with one book at a time instead of trying to mix it all up. You can do that after you have read both books in their entirety. Once you have both books locked into your "mind" and have developed a good understanding of what both books are trying to teach you - you can then bounce back and forth between the 2 books because you now have the basics instilled in you.

However - trying to read all of the Old Testament is a major undertaking. You would have to commit to it until you complete it. It all depends on how hectic and busy your personal schedule is and how much time you have over the course of a week or two to read.

Some Christians complain that there is no way that they could read the entire Old Testament. They say its too long. Yet they could read 3 or 4 long fiction novels back to back. If they took that kind of time and applied it to the reading of the Old Testament - they could literally have read the entire Old Testament during the same amount of time that they had read the 3 or 4 novels.

However - the Old Testament is one book as versus 3 or 4 smaller novels. However - the number of pages is the same. The Old Testament may look "scarier" to try and read all of it - but it is just the same as reading 3 or 4 long novels back to back. If you decide you want to try and undertake the reading of both books in their entirety - dont worry about trying to understand everything little thing you read at first. Just get it all "in you" as best as you can. Then the Holy Spirit, over the course of time, will start to "work" the knowledge you have instilled in you.

However - before the Spirit will really start to "work" you in gaining new and deeper knowledge about God and Jesus - you have to give Him something to work with - and that something is the knowledge that the Bible will give you. Knowledge that the Bible gives you is the base, the platform that the Holy Spirit will use in order to build you up in the true knowledge of God. Its like building a house. First you build the base - and then you add everything onto the base to complete the house. The Bible and the knowledge it gives you will be your base from which the Holy Spirit can then add on to it.

However - if you dont build your base from reading the Bible - then the Holy Spirit has nothing in which to work with - which explains why a lot of Christians do not make much spiritual growth over the course of most of their life.

The knowledge you gain from reading the Bible will activate the Holy Spirit to really start "working" your mind and intelligence. He will increase your ability to remember and recall things. He will increase you intellect and your ability to understand things. He will increase your ability to discern truth from error.

This is a supernatural work that the Holy Spirit will do for each and every Christian - but only if they are willing to go into a seeking mode. If you dont press in and start seeking after the knowledge of God - then the Holy Spirit will not supernaturally start to move to increase your mental abilities.

I cannot tell you the millions of times that the Holy Spirit will "bring up into my minds eye" a particular Scripture verse in order to answer a question from someone or to give me personal revelation and knowledge about something that I may be dealing with.

The Bible is literally a treasure chest of knowledge that can answer a lot of questions we all face in this life. If the Bible has been "implanted" into your mind, into your intellect by the reading of it - then the Holy Spirit can bring up for you specific Scripture verses to answer some of your own personal questions when you need them. The reason the Holy Spirit can bring those verses up for you when you need them is because you have spent the time to get the Bible "in you" by reading it. Its the Word and the Spirit working together that will cause spiritual growth to occur in your life. The Bible says we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. Its your mind that God is after and the renewing of your mind involves the acquiring of knowledge. The Holy Spirit is the one who really transforms you into the kind of person God wants you to be - but He only works this supernatural transformation into your mind and soul through the acquiring of knowledge.

The reason for that is that God wants you to understand exactly what He is doing in your life and why He is doing it before the transformation process really kicks into full gear into the specific parts and areas of your life that He wants to change.

Once I personally found out that reading the Bible and seeking after the knowledge of God would start to cause supernatural things to start happening in my life with God - I basically went crazy and developed a major hunger to finish reading all of the Bible in its complete entirety.

The Bible is an incredible supernatural adventure showing how far God will really go to supernaturally show Himself to those who are committed to fully serving Him. Its literally one miracle after another.

The Bible will just show you other peoples journeys and all of the supernatural things God and Jesus did for them as He will do for you.

For a complete and clean copy of this article can be found at http://www.bible-knowledge.com/Bible-Reading.html

Article written by Michael Bradley, author of over 100 articles which can be found at http://www.bible-knowledge.com

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