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Thursday, September 27, 2007

What Sort of Smoker Are You?

There are many reasons why people began smoking and continue to smoke. The additive aspect of the nicotine is only one part of the reason people smoke. Everyone is different but most smokers can relate to the at least one of the profiles of a smoker that are listed below. Understanding your profile will assist you in quitting for good.

There are six profiles of a smoker.

  • hardcore
  • social
  • rebellious
  • guilty
  • always quitting
  • nervous

Hardcore Smoker

Began smoking at an early age and usually smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day. They smoke their first cigarette within 30 minutes of waking in the morning and have a cigarette last thing before bed at night. They suffer from mood changes such as irritability or anxiety when the nicotine levels in their blood become too low. They avoid places where smoking is banned, such as movies, flying and so forth, whenever they can.

There is no reason why you can't give up smoking but you need to let go the image you have of yourself as a smoker.

Social Smoker

Began smoking as an adolescent or as a young adult. They always accept a cigarette when it is offered but can sometimes go a day without smoking. They always smoke in a social setting or when drinking alcohol. They are pleased to meet other smokers. They feel uncomfortable in a group of only non-smokers.

There is nothing positive about this category - adding the social may make you feel better but you are still a smoker - like any other.

Rebellious Smoker

Began smoking at school and enjoyed the fact that smoking is something that people disapprove of. They thought that smoking was a way of showing that they won't conform and that smoking made them look cool. They make a point of being a smoker and pretend that they don't care about smoking related diseases. They feel slightly superior to be a smoker in a group.

How wrong can you be! Smoking may have given them the edge on their classmates at 13 or 14 but as an adult, with all the information available on smoking, how can you seriously believe that smoking is a smart thing to do?

Guilty Smoker

They are under pressure to give up and they wish everyone would get off their back. They tend to lie about how many cigarettes they have a day and they convince themselves that they have less than they actually do. They may keep the fact that they smoke from others even their parents or partners. They feel depressed that they haven't given up and think that quitting will take too much effort. They feel guilty every time they have a cigarette.

Where is the pleasure in that? Turn things around, take a stand, give up and have something to feel good about.

Always Quitting Smoker

They know that they should give up but aren't sure that they want to. They have tried several times to quit but have never managed for very long. They haven't done any planning or had support for their quitting. They think about quitting a lot but dread actually having to do it. They think they will give up one day.

Plenty of people try to quit a few times before they are successful - but if this if going on for a long time you are bound to feel that you are a failure.

Nervous Smoker

They are convinced that smoking is the best way to calm down and that holding a cigarette keeps their hands busy. They feel more confident socially when they are holding a cigarette and they think that others will see them as more assertive if they smoke. They worry about the effects of smoking on their health and that non-smokers will look down on them.

However - smoking doesn't relieve stress. It creates a vicious circle in which you are never free from stress. You need to learn more effective methods of relaxation.

As a smoker you are likely to be able to identify with at least one of these profiles. These are not to be used as excuses for not quitting - just an opportunity for understanding yourself.

Quitting is not necessarily easy but you can do it. When you Growerz.com you will be guided through the process, provided assistance and supported as you make the necessary changes to become a non-smoker. You can also have the support and assistance of other people going through the program in the online forum.


Defago, N.2006, Choker to Non-Smoker. Hodder Arnold.

Dr Jenny Tylee is an experienced health professional who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She believes that health is not just absence of disease and seeks to actively promote vitality and wellness through empowering others. She encourages people to improve their health by quit smoking, cleansing their body, taking essential vitamin and mineral supplement and many other methods, including herbal remedies.

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